So, after trying to get his attention, I finally decided to bite the bullet and give Tectone bits to send a message and point him to this picture and two others that I drew early October, only to learn that he’d seen them before and was silent about it. Didn’t want to leave a like for public reasons, which is fine, but couldn’t even be bothered to send me a private message as thanks.
Obviously, I was a bit hurt to hear that, so I decided to go back and revise the picture, completely removing him from it and placing myself where I should have been in the first place. All is right in the world.
This whole thing just proved that you shouldn’t meet, or do anything for people you look up to that don’t already know who you are. It’s ironic since, sometime during one of his streams this week, he mentioned off-hand “how people say that you shouldn’t meet your heroes, but I disagree,” (or something along those lines) only to prove exactly why you shouldn’t in the first place (although, again, in his case, he’s super popular, so it’s not quite the same as a small time artist like me).
Anyway, it’s whatever. Now I can fully enjoy this picture now that it’s been fixed.
P.S. He also didn’t seem to like how big I made Fream’s butt in the other picture, so I’ve fixed it by removing that and the chibi picture entirely. Sorry for those of you who liked it.