Hey there, Oxdarock here!
Welcome to the PokèGiants Tip Jar, where all donations go towards making a designated character into a giant, Pokèperson… thing… you get the point! The rules are simple: just select an amount you want to donate, leave a comment for which idea you want your donation to go towards, and you’re done!
Just remember that if an idea doesn’t reach the required amount within a 4-week period, then it’ll be swapped out with the point value carried over. Likewise, if $100 isn’t raised within a 4-week period, then the pre-selected character will also change. For more info, please check out the Squish Tips page or email me at oxdaman@gmail.com
Thanks for your support! It’s greatly appreciated!
Time Until Next Swap: 4 Weeks
Current Character Selected: Rosa
Amount Needed Before Swap: $30
Current Ideas
Current Minimum Required: 25
Previous Milestones
Wall of Squish