Biggie 7 Tip Jar

Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Welcome to the HexaMomma Tip Jar! For a details list of rules, check out this post. As for the short version, simply leave a comment suggesting the Growth/TFs you’d like added to the list. You can find a table of transformations via the link below (have fun):

Biggie 7 Transformation Spreadsheet

The donation tiers are as follows:

  • $5: Can suggest a 1 Point TF or boost any existing option.
  • $10: Can suggest a 2 Point TF
  • $15: Can suggest a 3 Point TF
  • $20: Can suggest a 4 Point TF

Please keep in mind that donations are not limited to the four amounts above. Rather, the amounts listed are the options available up to the total amount donated. For example, for a $30 donation, you can suggest a 4 Point TF (the $20 option) as well as a 2 Point TF ($10 option) at the same time. Or you can suggest a 3 Point TF twice, or suggest three 2 Point TFs. Or you can boost suggestions currently on the list six times, either all on one or across several.  

You can view the current list of suggestions via the link below:

Biggie 7 Current Suggestions

Thanks for your support! It’s greatly appreciated! 

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