Squish Drive “Walk of Change” Bonus Rounds!

Hey there, Oxdarock here!

The official goal for the Squish Drive Walk of Change has been reached! With that, I’ll be moving on to starting the next Squish Drive project! However, for those who want to see more of Raiden Mei and Ei, and/or want more surface area for their name on the “Thank You” picture I’ll be making, we have bonus rounds!

These bonus rounds will be conducted the same as before: once a benchmark has been reached, I’ll extend it for another month after I complete the next picture. Once the month is up or all the goals have been reached, I’ll finally draw the “Thank You” picture and put a lid on this Squish Drive!

For the most part, the bonus rounds will be the same as before: donors name the color(s) they want their donation to go to, as well as the TFs they want to boost according to this table. However, there are a few differences:

  1. 9 colors will be chosen each round at random from all the colors of the previous rounds as shown in the chart above. Furthermore, three more colors will be added every round based on the donations.
  2. You can boost the chance of a particular TF to be chosen by 1 for every $10 donated.
  3. Regarding Orange and Purple TFs: to prevent redundancy, species from previous rounds cannot win more than once for a particular character (For example, Raiden Mei cannot have a Nekomata TF, while Raiden Ei cannot have a Lizardman, Oni, or Bear TF). In the case that such species are rolled, a reroll will occur.

With all of that out of the way, let’s get on with the bonus rounds! Will we make it to the end or will people save their money for the next Squish Drive?! Either way, I appreciate all the support! Feel free to donate via the link below!

Squish Drive: Raiden Mei and Ei

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at oxdaman@gmail.com. Also, please be sure to consider carefully whether you’d like to contribute to this project as there will be NO REFUNDS. Nevertheless, I appreciate every bit of support sent. 

That’s all for now!