Squish Drive: The Squeeze Bar!

Hey there, Oxdarock here!

With the success of the Walk for Change project featuring Raiden Mei and Raiden Ei, it’s time for another Squish Drive! Que the clip!

*Reads from right to left.*

Thank you very much, Sizilan. That’s right! This time it’s as simple as it gets: seeing girls get big, horny, and milky! If you haven’t picked up on their outfits, the characters this time will become cowgirls! While the participants will become bigger with each stage, they’ll also become more anthropomorphic as well (though the editing team might be called up to adjust things for certain VIPs…). Their body types will vary as well, but that’s a surprise for later!

As for what donors need to do, it’s simple! Donate, comment on which girl you want it to go towards, and you’re done! The Squish Drive will last within one month of the last picture’s completion (or the start, in this case), the goal being every participant reaches stage three! Not only will a special “Thank You” page be made, but there will be another bonus stage of the “fruity” variety.

Anyway, that’s pretty much all you need to know about! If you’re interested in seeing these girls who all have a fondness for a certain slayer of goblins grow some big, milky udders, then donate to…

The Goblin Slayer Girls Squish Drive!

That’s all for now!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at oxdaman@gmail.com. Also, please be sure to consider carefully whether you’d like to contribute to this project as there will be NO REFUNDS. Nevertheless, I appreciate every bit of support sent.