Posting on Patreon!

Hey there! Oxdarock here!

I’ve started posting on Patreon! Well, to be more precise, I’ve started making paid posts on Patreon, with today being my first one! 

To update people who’ve been out of the loop, my Patreon will now focus on supporting the production of my comics! This way, I can can breathe a little easier having a rough estimate of what I’ll be earning at the beginning of each month after spending half (or all) or the previous month not working on commissions. 

You can get more info about all this by visiting my Patreon or the OxFAQ page. To sum things up though for my posting schedule: I will be making a maximum of four updates a month. Each update will be at least have either three comic pages, four illustrations, or a mixture of both. 

Currently, I’m posting a Lusty Lamp introduction comic that I’ve been working on the past month or so. To check it out early, become a part of my Patreon! 

That’s all for now!