Hey there, Oxdarock here! Been a long time since I’ve posted the commissions that I’ve been working on over the past few weeks. So I thought I’d fix that. Let’s get started! *All text and panels are read from right to left. The characters featured are © of their respective owners* (COM) Something Big Caught…Continue reading Picture Posts 6/21/17
Category: Commission
Commissions Open!
Hey there! Oxdarock here! It’s a bit early, but here’s my new commission sheet for the upcoming year of 2017! Hasn’t really changed much from the last one in terms of rules, but the biggest change is, of course, the prices. This time around I’m going try negotiating price ranges instead of a flat rate.…Continue reading Commissions Open!
New Comic Pack: Lusty Lamp Tours-Introductions!
Hey there! Oxdarock here! New comic pack! Introducing the Lusty Lamp Tours-Introductions! This is the first of a series of smaller comic packs that focus on touring the Lusty Lamp Resort! These comics will be posted publicly, however they’ll also be on-sale as “Pay-What-You-Want” packs starting at $1.00 USD. The packs come with a PDF…Continue reading New Comic Pack: Lusty Lamp Tours-Introductions!
Commission Slots Open! (3/27/16)
Hey there! Oxdarock here! Here’s an update on my commission slot list. Just about all my slots with the exception of one are open! Here’s the list! Current Commission Slots Single Picture Slots 1. JohnnyRaddish 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open 5. Open Multi-Picture Slot 1. Open 2. Open Reference Sheet Commissions 1. Open 2.…Continue reading Commission Slots Open! (3/27/16)