Hey there! Oxdarock here! Just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve fixed the issues with my online store here at the OxRockBlock. Feel free to purchase and download them at your leisure. If anyone encounters any more issues, please be sure to contact me. Thank you and enjoy~
Author: oxdarock
Store Issues
Some issues with the store have just occurred. Temporarily taking down the store page for now. Please do not make any future purchases until I make a post stating that it’s okay to do so. Sorry about this folks. ^^;
Gotta Catch Em’ Al- Oh My…
Here comes another set of semi never-before-seen-posts (unless you’ve been with me on Patreon since the beginning). Introducing the Pokétitans, Roxanne and Maylene! This series of pictures was inspired by the Pokétitans series written by Entropy-Zeta on Deviant Art (also known as geno13 on Furaffinity). Interesting story about these pictures. With the two…Continue reading Gotta Catch Em’ Al- Oh My…
Patreon Pictures to Please You!
Now that introductions are out of the way, time to post up some pictures! And what better way to do that than to post some never-before-seen-stuff?!! Okay, I lied, all of these have been seen, but a couple of these haven’t been publicly posted on my DeviantArt or Tumblr pages (at the…Continue reading Patreon Pictures to Please You!
Welcome to the OxRockBlock!!!
Hey there! Onyx Azor here, though I’m more commonly known as Oxdarock! Welcome to my very own website, the OxRockBlock! You may have seen my other accounts on websites (in fact that’s probably how you found out about this page in the first place), but here you’ll be able to view all my future works!…Continue reading Welcome to the OxRockBlock!!!